All About Us
Antonine Primary School was originally built in 1988 and has had three extensions to the school building since then. We have a beautiful indoor and outdoor environment for our Early Years children including a dining room.
The school has a purpose built gym hall, an extensive library and 8 classrooms. Two rooms have been created to support nurture and small group teaching. These are called the Acorn room and the Den. These rooms offer a multi sensory approach to learning.
We have a multi-purpose room called "The Hub" and love our outdoor space with wild woods and loose parts play. We have a large playground with a climbing frame, outdoor library, adventure trail and a large class teaching area. Our extensive grass area contains a fairy garden, orchard and lots of space to play and explore.
2024-2025 - The school has 189 pupils and 48 pupils in the ELC.
School Staff
Headteacher Mrs J McLaughlin
Depute Headteacher Mrs C Casey
Principal Teacher Mrs M McFarlane
Primary 1ME Mrs L McGuire (M, T & W) Mrs G Easton (TH, F)
Primary 1Y Mrs E Flannigan
Primary 2 Mrs M McFarlane (M & T) Mrs G McBride (W, Th & F)
Primary 3 Mrs B Gillespie
Primary 4 Mr P Calder(M, T, Th & F), Mrs Casey (T)
Primary 5 Miss A Stevenson
Primary 6 Mrs L Dowds
Primary 7 Mrs R McManus
Support and Challenge Teachers Mrs K Aitken (M pm, T pm & W), Mrs C Ashcroft
(W am, Th am & F am)
The Den Targeted Support (mornings) Mrs K Aitken (M & T), Mrs M McFarlane (W, Th & F)
P.E. Specialist (Thurs/Fri) Miss J Fountain
Music Specialist (Mon) Mrs L Strang
French Specialist (Wed, Thurs & Fri) Mrs C Ashcroft
Woodwind Teacher (Mon) Ms E Brown
Brass Teacher (Tues) Mr I Boulter
Clerical Mrs L Matheson
Support for Learning Assistant Mrs E McConkey
Support for Learning Assistant (part time) Ms S Little
Support for Learning Assistant (part time) Mrs C McDonald
Support for Learning Assistant (part time) Mrs L Welsh
Support for Learning Assistant (part time) Mrs F McAuley
Family Support Worker (Tues) Mr L Fletcher
Janitor Mr J Miller
Kitchen Staff Mrs D Peat (Breakfast Club)
Mrs D Fyfe
Mrs S Irvine
Mrs M Welsh
Mrs J Richards
Mrs S Ftizpatrick
Cleaning Staff Mrs J Richards
Mrs A Mallet
Mrs E Learmonth
Mrs K Zellman
ELC Staff
Senior Early Years Officer Mrs N Majury
Early Years Officer Miss D Slicer
Early Years Officer Mrs H Hughes
Early Years Officer Miss E Allen
Early Years Officer Mrs S O'Holleran (W-F)
Early Years Officer Mrs A McGinn
Early Years Officer Miss K Wilson
Support for Learning Assistant Miss T Snedden
ELC Assistant Mrs J Jez
ELC Assistant Mrs A Thomson
School Hours
P1 to P7
School Day: 9.00am - 3.00pm
Morning Interval: 10.30am - 10.45am
Lunch: 12.15pm - 1.00pm
Core Hours: 8.45am - 2.45pm
Antonine Primary School was originally built in 1988 and has had three extensions to the school building since then. We have a beautiful indoor and outdoor environment for our Early Years children including a dining room.
The school has a purpose built gym hall, an extensive library and 8 classrooms. Two rooms have been created to support nurture and small group teaching. These are called the Acorn room and the Den. These rooms offer a multi sensory approach to learning.
We have a multi-purpose room called "The Hub" and love our outdoor space with wild woods and loose parts play. We have a large playground with a climbing frame, outdoor library, adventure trail and a large class teaching area. Our extensive grass area contains a fairy garden, orchard and lots of space to play and explore.
2024-2025 - The school has 189 pupils and 48 pupils in the ELC.
School Staff
Headteacher Mrs J McLaughlin
Depute Headteacher Mrs C Casey
Principal Teacher Mrs M McFarlane
Primary 1ME Mrs L McGuire (M, T & W) Mrs G Easton (TH, F)
Primary 1Y Mrs E Flannigan
Primary 2 Mrs M McFarlane (M & T) Mrs G McBride (W, Th & F)
Primary 3 Mrs B Gillespie
Primary 4 Mr P Calder(M, T, Th & F), Mrs Casey (T)
Primary 5 Miss A Stevenson
Primary 6 Mrs L Dowds
Primary 7 Mrs R McManus
Support and Challenge Teachers Mrs K Aitken (M pm, T pm & W), Mrs C Ashcroft
(W am, Th am & F am)
The Den Targeted Support (mornings) Mrs K Aitken (M & T), Mrs M McFarlane (W, Th & F)
P.E. Specialist (Thurs/Fri) Miss J Fountain
Music Specialist (Mon) Mrs L Strang
French Specialist (Wed, Thurs & Fri) Mrs C Ashcroft
Woodwind Teacher (Mon) Ms E Brown
Brass Teacher (Tues) Mr I Boulter
Clerical Mrs L Matheson
Support for Learning Assistant Mrs E McConkey
Support for Learning Assistant (part time) Ms S Little
Support for Learning Assistant (part time) Mrs C McDonald
Support for Learning Assistant (part time) Mrs L Welsh
Support for Learning Assistant (part time) Mrs F McAuley
Family Support Worker (Tues) Mr L Fletcher
Janitor Mr J Miller
Kitchen Staff Mrs D Peat (Breakfast Club)
Mrs D Fyfe
Mrs S Irvine
Mrs M Welsh
Mrs J Richards
Mrs S Ftizpatrick
Cleaning Staff Mrs J Richards
Mrs A Mallet
Mrs E Learmonth
Mrs K Zellman
ELC Staff
Senior Early Years Officer Mrs N Majury
Early Years Officer Miss D Slicer
Early Years Officer Mrs H Hughes
Early Years Officer Miss E Allen
Early Years Officer Mrs S O'Holleran (W-F)
Early Years Officer Mrs A McGinn
Early Years Officer Miss K Wilson
Support for Learning Assistant Miss T Snedden
ELC Assistant Mrs J Jez
ELC Assistant Mrs A Thomson
School Hours
P1 to P7
School Day: 9.00am - 3.00pm
Morning Interval: 10.30am - 10.45am
Lunch: 12.15pm - 1.00pm
Core Hours: 8.45am - 2.45pm